A comprehensive explanation of information institutions as they relate to the success of subnational capital marketsGlobal trends in decentralization and the growing role of world cities have increased the importance of infrastructure development. But with competing incentives of suppliers and borrowers of capital in the web of institutional governance arrangements, information problems are inevitable. Understanding how local choices affect these larger trends can help national and city actors not just avoid being paralyzed by information problems, but actually improve information resolution. In this book Christine R. Martell, Tima Moldogaziev, Salvador Espinosa argue that capital markets are a viable financing alternative for subnational borrowers. They explain how subnational governments can manage their fiscal and debt choices to leverage capital markets to finance efficient, effective, and equitable infrastructure provision. The book builds on previous work by exploring the role of information institutions as they relate to the success of subnational capital markets and by advancing options for subnational government to gain agency as active market participants. With broad geographic coverage, Information Resolution and Subnational Capital Markets answers core questions: How does information permeate the landscape and outcomes of subnational government borrowing, both at the aggregate national level and at the city level? What measures and mechanisms can national and subnational governments take to resolve information problems? And, what can cities do to enhance their agency vis--vis central governments and capital market actors, so that they can command a voice in managing internal and external sources of capital financing?