Normative and Empirical Questions
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Gina Gustavsson is an Associate Professor at the Department of Government, Uppsala University. Her work spans political theory and political psychology, and has been published in Ethnicities, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Political Studies, The European Political Science Review, The Review of Politics, and The Cambridge Companion to Isaiah Berlin. She is also the author of a forthcoming book on romantic liberalism. Half-Swedish and half-Estonian, she has always had a keen interest in national identity and immigration. David Miller is Professor of Political Theory at Nuffield College, Oxford and a Visiting Professor of Law and Philosophy at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario. He has been a Fellow of the British Academy since 2002. He has written widely on issues of national identity, citizenship, territory, and immigration, attempting throughout to build bridges between political philosophy and the social sciences. His next book will defend the idea of self-determination against its many critics.
Gina Gustavsson and David Miller: Introduction Part 1: The Nature of National Identity 1: David Miller: The Coherence of Liberal Nationalism 2: Leonie Huddy and Alessandro del Ponte: National Identity, Pride, and Chauvinism - their Origins and Consequences for Globalization Attitudes Part 2: The Social Effects of National Identity 3: Gina Gustavsson: National Attachment - Cohesive, Divisive, or Both? A Reconsideration of the National Identity Argument through the Lens of Social Identity Theory 4: Nils Holtug: Does Nationhood Promote Egalitarian Justice? Challenging the National Identity Argument 5: Elizabeth Theiss-Morse, Frank Gonzalez and Alison O'Toole: Hierarchy, American Identity, and Support for Anti-Poverty Efforts 6: Matthew Wright and Morris Levy: 'Solidarity' versus Values as Drivers of Support for Immigrants' Access to Social Benefits 7: Samuel Pehrson: Argumentative Contexts of National Identity Definition: Getting Past the Failures of a Universal Ethnic-Civic Dichotomy Part 3: The Place of Culture and Religion in Liberal Nationalism 8: Patti Tamara Lenard: Inclusive Identities: The Foundation of Trust in Multicultural Communities' 9: Cecile Laborde and Sune Laegaard: Liberal Nationalism and Symbolic Religious Establishment 10: Margaret Moore: Liberal Nationalism and the Challenge of Essentialism Part 4: Immigrants and Dual Nationals: Double Loyalties and Divided Selves? 11: Keith Banting, Allison Harrel, Will Kymlicka, and Rebecca Wallace: Beyond National Identity: Liberal Nationalism, Shared Membership and Solidarity 12: Karen N. Breidahl: Dual or Divided Identities? National Identity and Community Values among Immigrants in Denmark and Western Europe 13: Lior Erez: Where the Heart Is: Liberal Nationalism, Social Trust, and Multiple National Belongings 14: Kwame Anthony Appiah: An Unscientific Postscript