From Singularity to Community
What happens when a distinguished French feminist philosopher and psychoanalyst takes yoga lessons? Irigaray gets some shocks and some good ideas, too... This is a fresh look at the need for East and West to get together, and Irigaray's notion of a community without gender wars is important. Library Journal [Irigaray's] notion that women breathe differently from men carry provactive implications, and the book offers a fresh approach to women's empowerment. Religious Studies Review It remains a cause for celebration when a philosopher such as Irigaray not only talks about yoga, but makes it part of her practice. Ascent Magazine
Luce Irigaray, a director of research at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique in Paris, is the leading feminist philosopher in France. She is author of more than twenty books, including Speculum of the Other Woman, This Sex Which Is Not One, The Marine Lover of Friedrich Nietzsche (Columbia), and The Forgetting of Air in Martin Heidegger.
Preface to the English Edition The Time of Life Eastern Teachings The Way of Breath Being I, Being We The Family Begins with Two Approaching the Other as Other Mixing: A Principle for Refounding Community