The Peloponnesian War, according to Thucydides, was the result of the growth of Athenian power. Beginning with the battle of Abydos in 411, this edition covers the Ionian or Dekeleian War, whose end in 404 also brings to a close the Peloponnesian ...
"It is the best of Xenophon, it is the worst of Xenophon. Readers looking for a carefully researched, well balanced, and reliable narrative of Greek affairs from 404 to 395 (BC) will be disappointed"- the author. The second part of the H...
"'Historians, topographers, reenactors, and general readers alike will all be indebted to cutting-edge military historian Peter Krentz's original, insightful, witty, provocative, and brilliantly illustrated account of one of the world's most significant battles ever. 'Marathon' is now not only a magic word but also a magical exercise in ancient historiography.' (Paul Cartledge, University of Cambridge) 'Important new evidence, rigorous research and clear-headed analysis are combined to great effect in this original and persuasive study. The best book yet on the fateful events at Marathon.' (Hans van Wees, author of Greek Warfare: Myths and Realities)"
Peter Krentz is W. R. Grey Professor of Classics and History, Davidson College, where he has taught Greek and Roman history since 1979.