Communication Across Media Borders
Niklas Salmose is an Associate Professor of English at Linnaeus University, Sweden. He has published and presented internationally on nostalgia, Nordic noir, Hitchcock, cinematic style in fiction, modernism, the Anthropocene and Hollywood, animal horror, intermediality and sensorial aesthetics in fiction. He co-edited an issue on the Anthropocene for the journal Ekfrase 2016, a special issue on contemporary nostalgia for the journal Humanities 2018 and a book on experimental Swedish filmmaker Eric M. Nilsson 2019. At Linnaeus University, he is a member of the Linnaeus University Center of Intermedial and Multimodal Studies (IMS). Lars Ellestrm is Professor of Comparative Literature at Linnaeus University, Sweden. He presides over the Linnaeus University Centre for Intermedial and Multimodal Studies and chairs the board of the International Society for Intermedial Studies. Ellestrm has written and edited several books, including Divine Madness: On Interpreting Literature, Music, and the Visual Arts Ironically (2002), Media Borders, Multimodality and Intermediality (2010), Media Transformation: The Transfer of Media Characteristics among Media (2014), and Transmedial Narration: Narratives and Stories in Different Media (2019). He has also published numerous articles on poetry, intermediality, semiotics, gender, irony, and communication.
Table of Contents List of Tables and Figures Contributors Foreword Niklas Salmose & Lars Ellestrm Transmediation: Some Theoretical Considerations Lars Ellestrm PART 1: Transmedia Storytelling Transmedia Storytelling and its Discourses Marie-Laure Ryan Peter Greenaways The Tulse Luper Suitcases Project (20032005): Transmedia Storytelling as Self-Reference Multimediality Ftima Chinita The Gamification of Cinema and the Cinematization of Games Doru Pop PART 2: Ekphrasis The "Unflinching Gaze"The Representation of Suffering in Tony Harrisons Film Poetry Agata Handley Leaving the White Cube of Ekphrasis: Gordon Matta-Clarks Conical Intersection Heidrun Fhrer & Anna Kraus Architectural Ekphraseis: Unveiling a Brazilian Wall-Less House in Contemporary Fiction Miriam Vieira PART 3 : Transmediation: A Broad Media Perspective The Logic of Cutting Yourself: From Senseless Chaos to Signifying Order Hans Sternudd Three Ways of Transmediating a Theme Park: Spatialising Storyworlds in Epic Mickey, the Monkey Island Series and Theme Park Management Simulators Pter Kristf Makai Intersemiotic Translation as a Creative Thinking Tool From Gertrude Stein to Dance Joo Queiroz & Pedro At PART 4: Transmediating the Anthropocene "Were Doomed Now What?": Transmediating Temporality into Narrative Forms Jrgen Bruhn Transmediations of the Anthropocene: From Factual Media to Poetry Emma Tornborg Three Transmediations of the Anthropocene: An Intermedial Ecocritical Reading of Facts, Sci-Fi, PopSci, and Eco-Horror Niklas Salmose