Len Tiu Wright is Editor-in-Chief of Cogent Business and Management and Emeritus Professor of Marketing at De Montfort University, UK. Luiz Moutinho is Visiting Professor of Marketing at University of Suffolk Business School, UK, and Adjunct Professor at the Graduate School of Business at University of the South Pacific, Fiji. Merlin Stone is Visiting Professor at the University of Portsmouth and St. Marys University, UK. Richard P. Bagozzi is Dwight F. Benton Professor of Behavioral Science in Management at Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan, USA.
Foreword by Jane Frost, CBE; PART I Conceptual 1 The evolution of marketing research; 2 Combining big data and marketing research to create customer insight; 3 Interactive marketing, customer information and marketing research; 4 Business models and marketing research; PART II Methods 5 Mixed-methods research: why and how to use it; 6 Case studies as a research methodology; 7 Establishing validity and reliability in case study research projects; 8 Encouraging information disclosure on social media platforms in consumer marketing research; 9 Artificial intelligence in marketing and marketing research; 10 Data management and marketing research; 11 Deciding on and using research data; 12 The Archive of Market and Social Research: looking backwards to look forwards; 13 Key issues in managing marketing research and customer insight; PART III Techniques 14 Brains valuation networks and consumers neuroscience methods in the fuzzy front-end innovation process; 15 An introduction to the use of EEG in marketing research; 16 How brand interest mediates the relationship between cross-media investments and word-of-mouth and purchase intention: a mixture-amount moderated mediation model; 17 The effect of voice emotion response on brand recall by gender; 18 Identifying the drivers of shopper attention, engagement, and purchase; PART IV Applications 19 Researching older citizens and their attitudes towards smart homes; 20 Marketing research and customer loyalty in an Islamic banking culture in the Middle East: a case study of Jordan; 21 Smart cities and smart transport the role of data and insight; 22 Design, innovation and marketing research; 23 Researching the advantage of low quality in short life cycle products; PART V Reflections and futures 24 Foresight in marketing and marketing research; 25 Fakes and futures; 26 Futuring marketing research strategy; 27 Further futuring in marketing research techniques; 28 A practitioners view of customer insight past, present and future; 29 A practitioners view of customer insight past, present and future; 30 Epilogue a more strategic look at the future of marketing research