Daniel Naurin is Associate Professor at the University of Gothenburg. His research focuses on EU politics, transparency and lobbying. He is the author of inter alia Deliberation Behind Closed Doors (ECPR Press, 2007), and articles in the British Journal of Political Science, Comparative Politics, European Union Politics and West European Politics. Anne Rasmussen is a Lecturer in the Department of Public Administration, Leiden University. She is the editor of Political Parties in the European Union (Routledge, 2009, together with Lindberg and Warntjen) and has published articles in European Union Politics, Journal of European Public Policy, Journal of Common Market Studies, West European Politics, Party Politics and the Journal of European Integration.
1. New External Rules, New Internal Games: How the EU Institutions Respond when Inter-institutional Rules Change Daniel Naurin and Anne Rasmussen 2. Politicising Council Decision-making: The Effect of European Parliament Empowerment Frank M. Hge 3. Access of Experts: Information and EU Decision-making se Gornitzka and Ulf Sverdrup 4. The Inter-institutional Division of Power and Time Allocation in the European Parliament Anne Rasmussen and Dimiter Toshkov 5. Inter-institutional Rules and Division of Power in the European Parliament: Allocation of Consultation and Co-decision Reports Nikoleta Yordanova 6. Does Bicameralism Promote Stability? Inter-institutional Relations and Coalition Formation in the European Parliament Rory Costello 7. Contested Delegation: The Impact of Co-decision on Comitology Adrienne Hritier, Robert Schuman and Catherine Moury 8. Looking Up, Down and Sideways: Understanding EU Institutions in Context Amie Kreppel 9. Time to Decide: The Effect of Early Agreements on Legislative Duration in the EU Anne Rasmussen and Dimiter Toshkov