The action-packed Street Fighter saga continues as Ryu travels through Asia, meeting fighters he hopes will help him in his journey toward avenging his master's death. Through his exploits he encounters the Yoga Master, Dhalsim, the King of M...
Get in the game of developing successful apps for the iPad Designing for the iPad presents unique challenges for developers and requires an entirely different mindset of elements to consider when creating apps. Written by a highly successful iPad ...
Who Should Read This Book?
The Revival of the Hobbyist Programmer.
Part I: Understanding the iPad.
Chapter 1: Embracing a New Paradigm.
Chapter 2: Entering the iPad Marketplace.
Chapter 3: Getting Inspired.
Part II: Planning Your Killer App.
Chapter 4: Working with Clients.
Chapter 5: Working on an Independent iPad App.
Chapter 6: Life as an Apple Developer.
Chapter 7: Organizing Your Workflow.
Part III: Designing for Touchscreen Interfaces.
Chapter 8: Delighting the Users of Your App.
Chapter 9: Designing Books and Magazines.
Chapter 10: The Secrets of Alice for the iPad.
Chapter 11: Starting Out with Sound on the iPad.
Part IV: Marketing Your App.
Chapter 12: Zero Budget Solutions.
Chapter 13: Tracking Sales and Adjusting Prices.