The evolution of the human species has always been closely tied to the relationship between biology and culture, and the human condition is rooted in this fascinating intersection. Sport, games, and competition serve as a nexus for humanity's...
Sports permeates the fabric of our society on all levels and it also is a universal phenomenon expressed in all cultures of the world. It has become the international medium of cultural exchange in the contemporary world. Witness the galvanizing p...
<p>The foremost authority in the field of sport and culture, Robert R. Sands, PhD, has published extensively on sport and culture. Sands, no stranger to participant-observation fieldwork, authored "Instant Acceleration: Living in the Fast Lane and Gutcheck! An Anthropologist's Wild Ride Into the Heart of College Football." He also authored the first-ever primer on sport and culture, "Sport and Culture: At Play in the Fields of Anthropology, " and edited a first-ever volume on anthropology of sport, "Anthropology, Sport and Culture." <p>Sands' unique hands-on participant-observation method of research produces not only an insider's perspective but also allows Sands to experience the same cultural experiences as those he is studying. He has studied African-American and Caucasian collegiate basketball players, African-American collegiate sprinters, and junior college football teams. He is currently involved in participant-observation ethnography of the Southern California surfing culture.<p>Sands earned his doctorate in anthropology from the University of Illinois.
Sport anthropology - coming of age on the playing fields; Malinowski's legacy; into the field; culture and ethnography; doing ethnography; analyzing and writing ethnography; risk and ethnography; ethical ethnography; experiential ethnography; ethnography for hire.