Multidisciplinary Perspectives
Marie T. Banich, Molly Mack
Contents: Preface. Part I: The Emergence, Influence, and Development of Language.P. Lieberman, Language Evolution and Innateness. G. Bennardo, Language, Mind, and Culture: From Linguistic Relativity to Representational Modularity. P.W. Jusczyk, The Role of Speech Perception Capacities in Early Language Acquisition. Part II: Models of Language and Language Processing.N. Smith, Dissociation and Modularity: Reflections on Language and Mind. G.K. Pullum, B.C. Scholz, Linguistic Models. D.C. Plaut, Connectionist Modeling of Language: Examples and Implications. Part III: The Neurological Bases of Language.M. Kutas, B.M. Schmitt, Language in Microvolts. R.J. Zatorre, Functional and Structural Imaging in the Study of Auditory Language Processes. C. Chiarello, Parallel Systems for Processing Language: Hemispheric Complementarity in the Normal Brain. Part IV: Language Disruption and Loss.E.M. Saffran, Evidence From Language Breakdown: Implications for the Neural and Functional Organization of Language. M.T. Banich, P.E. Scalf, Neurocognitive Bases of Developmental Reading Disorders. Part V: Two Languages, One Brain.M. Mack, The Phonetic Systems of Bilinguals. M. Paradis, Differential Use of Cerebral Mechanisms in Bilinguals.