Heimann, Mikael; Plooij, Frans X.
Contents: Preface. M. Heimann, Regression Periods in Human Infancy: An Introduction. M. Sadurni, C. Rostan, Reflections on Regression Periods in the Development of Catalan Infants. A. Woolmore, J. Richer, Detecting Infant Regression Periods: Weak Signals in a Noisy Environment. L.B. Lindahl, M. Heimann, E. Ullstadius, Occurrence of Regressive Periods in the Normal Development of Swedish Infants. F.X. Plooij, H.H.C. van de Rijt-Plooij, The Effect of Sources of "Noise' on Direct Observation Measures of Regression Periods: Case Studies of Four Infants' Adaptations to Special Parental Conditions. F.X. Plooij, H.H.C. van de Rijt-Plooij, J.M. van der Stelt, B. van Es, R. Helmers, Illness Peaks During Infancy and Regression Periods. F.X. Plooij, H.H.C. van de Rijt-Plooij, R. Helmers, Multimodal Distribution of SIDS and Regression Periods. C. Trevarthen, K. Aitken, Regulation of Brain Development and Age-Related Changes in Infants' Motives: The Developmental Function of Regressive Periods. F.X. Plooij, The Trilogy of Mind.