"Test Validity is an excellent book. The level of writing style and content in the articles is almost uniformly high." Journal of the American Statistical Association ...nicely organized with well written, highly informative topical chapters." Journal of Educational Measurement
Wainer, Howard; Braun, Henry I.
Contents: Preface. Introduction. Part I: Historical and Epistemological Bases of Validity.L.J. Cronbach, Five Perspectives on the Validity Argument. W.H. Angoff, Validity: An Evolving Concept. S. Messick, The Once and Future Issues of Validity: Assessing the Meaning and Consequences of Measurement. Part II: The Changing Faces of Validity.J.W. Pellegrino, Mental Models and Mental Tests. R.J. Sternberg, GENECES: A Rationale for the Construct Validation of Theories and Tests of Intelligence. B.F. Green, Construct Validity of Computer-Based Tests. Part III: Testing Validity in Specific Subpopulations.W.W. Willingham, Testing Handicapped People -- The Validity Issue. R.P. Dura'n, Validity and Language Skills Assessment: Non-English Background Students. P.W. Holland, D.T. Thayer, Differential Item Performance and the Mantel-Haenszel Procedure. D. Thissen, L. Steinberg, H. Wainer, Use of Item Response Theory in the Study of Group Differences in Trace Lines. Part IV: Statistical Innovations in Validity Assessment.F.L. Schmidt, Validity Generalization and the Future of Criterion-Related Validity. L.V. Hedges, The Meta-Analysis of Test Validity Studies: Some New Approaches. B. Muthe'n, Some Uses of Structural Equation Modeling in Validity Studies: Extending IRT to External Variables. D.B. Rubin, Discussion.