In the fourth month of my pregnancy, the ultrasound tech handed a small black and white printout to me and said -"here is an ultrasound of your baby (singular) not sure if it is a boy or a girl."In the seventh month, I was measuring almost 40 inchesmy hcg levels were off, and my doctor said, "maybe we should do another ultrasound". So, we did. And there "they" were -not just one baby but two. So, there I was in my seventh month, finding out I was about to have not just one big baby, but...TWINS! You can imagine the additional preparation ans how I scrambled to determine how to take care of two at once!My conversations that followed were almost entirely centered on twins. Before my twins were born and continuing thereafter, for over five years, I spoke with numerous parents and caregivers, and read and researched tips on having twins. I wrote the tips down in a notebook, and once I hit 200, decided to publish it. Thus, the birth of this book and the sharing of ideas with you!As you already know or will soon find out, the blessing of twins brings with it its own set of situations where you are going to do the best you possibly can. There is no one "correct" way to raise twins. A number of books have been puyblished on twins -with abundant chapters and verse, but for those with two, time for reading can be limited. This book is my gift to you. There are only a few tips per page, so it is quick and easy to read, inspirational and derived from "real life" experience. Enjoy!THANK YOUIn appreciation to the La Jolla, California Scripps Memorial Mothers of Twins Club for their inspiration and ideas, especially Angela Dubia, Kristen Kremers and Laura Biddle. To all of my friends with twins and for their advice; especially Madhu and Amee Alagiri, Dean and Ellen Stewart and sal and Suzanne Federico, Martin and Julie Edwards and Kim and Matt Bishop. To Thompson and Courtney at Foto Finish in Del Mar, California.