________________________________________________________________'I loved this completely. A bright, brilliant, joyful love story... A total triumph.'Josie Silver, No.1 New York Times bestselling author of ONE DAY IN DECEMBER________________________________________________________________Justine and Nick are meant to be. He just doesn t know it yet When Justine Carmichael bumps into her teenage crush, Nick Jordan, she knows she can t leave her future happiness to chance. This time, she s going to give fate a helping hand. An aspiring journalist on a local paper, she knows Nick always reads his horoscope. So she can t see any harm in making a few alterations to Aquarius over the next few weeks After all, Justine doesn t really believe in the stars, it s only a bit of fun. What could possibly go wrong?________________________________________________________________A gloriously feel-good romantic comedy about good friends, true love and all the signs of the zodiac, perfect for anyone who loves David Nicholls, Marian Keyes and Jojo Moyes.