Naida Drew Anderson's journey spans nine decades, beginning in the early 1920s. Her story begins on her aunt and uncle's farm near Belleville, Ontario. Her childhood was clouded by the deaths of her sisters, as well as her mother's painful struggle with mental illness. Through it all, Naida stood strong, surviving these hardships to come of age at the beginning of World War II.
Living near Canada's largest air force base provided her the opportunity to meet young pilots from all over the world. One handsome American flying ace named Johnny Anderson captured her heart and made her his wife.
What followed was a story of love lost and love gained and of Naida's struggle to find a place in an alien world not of her choosing. All around her, society's perceptions of women and their roles were ever changing, redefining what women could achieve in the world. Open to possibilities, Naida nurtured romantic notions of life and eventually came to grips with the reality of human existence. People would come and go from her life, each contributing to her experience, her wisdom, her understanding; each helping her to answer the question that defined her journey: Who am I?
Daughter, wife, lover, mother, cancer survivor-Naida has worn many titles. Now, comfortable in her retirement, she looks back at the path. Ultimately, it has been a lesson in resilience, living with the consequences of one's choices, and the value of remaining true to oneself.