We are not alone. The Prometheus Probe is a human by design and sent by an advanced alien civilization. Prometheus's mission is to report on the development of intelligent life on Earth. It looks human. It walks among us, watches us, and learns from us, without exposing its secret.
Through the ages, Prometheus's artificial eyes have observed humanity at its best and its worst. It has seen us rise to challenges and fall into hubris, risk all for the sake of others, and commit unspeakable atrocities. The Probe observes the human condition and reports its findings to its creator. And sometimes, it acts.
THE PROMETHEUS SAGA is an anthology, thirteen speculative stories that explore what it means to be human.
The Prometheus Saga is the premier project of the Alvarium Experiment, a consortium of accomplished and award-winning authors. The thirteen short stories in the saga span the range of the existence of Homo sapiens.
Stories from The Prometheus Saga recognized in the Florida Writers Association's 2015 Royal Palm Literary Awards: Lilith by Antonio Simon, Jr., won 1st Place for Published Short Story. The Pisces Affair by Daco Auffenorde, won 3rd Place for Published Short Story. Manteo by Elle Andrews Patt, won 3rd Place for Published Novella. The Strange Case of Lord Byron's Lover by Parker Francis, won 1st Place in General Category, and was also 1st Runnerup for Published Book of the Year.
Q - What is The Prometheus Saga?A - In The Prometheus Saga, twelve authors unite to interpret how an alien presence would interact with the human condition over a time period that spans from the dawn of man to the present. The stories cross genres and genders, allowing for entirely different narratives and insights on historical events and the human experience.
Q - Where should a reader start when selecting a short story to read in The Prometheus Saga?A - Each story is self-contained and can be read in any order. The reader is free to select any of the stories at random to begin their experience. Each short story has a different setting in history. The book description will explain the time period setting for each particular story.
Q - What is this alien probe?A - An alien civilization landed a probe on Earth at the dawn of mankind. This probe, a form of artificial intelligence, can morph into any human form, take on any human identity, either male or female. Its life spans hundreds of thousands of years. Its mission is to report everything it can about us to its home planet. What this humanoid observes and learns over centuries of human existence will be interpreted through each short story in the saga. The alien probe is as mythic as Prometheus, the Greek Titan who was said to have brought fire to mankind.