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Köp båda 2 för 358 krCompelling, often very funny, full of sudden depths * Observer * Brilliant...tenaciously absorbing * Daily Telegraph * It is written with the coolness and limpidity that makes Coetzee a master... There were moments where I found it almost too affecting to read -- David Sexton * Evening Standard * Its compulsively enigmatic but surprisingly funny too. * Metro * Coetzee doesn't want to be understood, or explained. He wants, merely, to be read. The Schooldays of Jesus is, indeed, very readable * The Times * The books interest comes almost entirely from its strangeness its world continues to be charmingly, earnestly weird. -- Roger Bellin * Literary Review * He is a proven master with an increasingly wilful streak, always a writer to excite, while for a reader with a fondness for backing a good horse, here it is. While it is always dangerous to push an as yet unpublished work, but in the case of Coetzee, this could be a book of the year, never mind an expected contender. -- Eileen Battersby * Irish Times * [It is] surprisingly involving...richly suggestive. -- Stephanie Cross * Daily Mail * Freed from literary convention, Mr Coetzee writes not to provide answers, but to ask great questions. * The Economist * [A] tenaciously absorbing sequel. -- Duncan White * Sunday Telegraph *
J.M. Coetzees work includes Waiting for the Barbarians, Life & Times of Michael K, Boyhood, Youth, Disgrace, Summertime, The Childhood of Jesus and, most recently, The Schooldays of Jesus. He was the first author to win the Booker Prize twice and was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2003.