a Social History of Greek Civilization, Its Culture, Arts and Beliefs, Shown in More That 250 Magnificent Photographs, Sculptures and Paintings
This is an illustrated reference to the art, architecture, religion, society and culture of the Roman world with over 450 pictures, maps and artworks. How the Romans lived: an authoritative and highly accessible exploration of Roman society. It is...
Nigel Rodgers has written widely on history, philosophy and art. Among his recent published works are Rome: The Greatest Empire, The Roman Army, Roman Architecture and A Military History of Ancient Greece (all published by Southwater). He has written Incredible Optical Illusions (Simon and Schuster), The Traveller's Atlas (Apple Press); Churchill (Hodder); and Hitler (Hodder), and, with Mel Thompson, Philosophers Behaving Badly (Peter Owen) and Understand Existentialism (Teach Yourself/Hodder).