Playful, unconventional and with a mysterious twist, this is the perfect tale for children who are fascinated with tractors and farm machinery. -- Caroline Allen * AgriLand *
Finn-Ole Heinrich and Dita Zipfel both experienced writers for adults and for children, based in Hamburg and the South of France. Zipfel writes picturebooks, plays, screenplays and novels, while Heinrich has received many awards for his novels and short stories, among these the Kranichsteiner Literaturfoerderpreis (2008) and the Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis (German Youth Literature Prize 2012), the French-German Literature Price and the LUCHS-Prize. Halina Kirschner lives and works in Leipzig. She studied illustration and graphic design at the Academy of Visual Arts in Leipzig and the Ecole superieure des arts decoratifs de Strasbourg. She designs books and posters and also works as an art mediator in the graphic arts printing workshop at WERK 2 and the Lindenau Museum in Altenburg.