With 54mm Scale Paper Soldiers by Peter Dennis. Introduction and Playsheet by Andy Callan
In these books, Peter Dennis sets the paper soldiers of the 19th century marching again across the wargames tables of the 21st. All the troop types of the wars are represented in full colour in a format designed to create stands of soldiers which ...
The second title in The Paperboys on Campaign series, some 46 pages of artwork enabling you to make French, British, Portuguese, Spanish, and several other countries' troops which fought for and against the Iron Duke in his epic campaign against N...
''As with all the 'Paperboys' books, the illustrations are the high quality we know we can expect from Peter Dennis.''-- "Miniature Wargames" "it's a nice jaunt down a historical memory lane. Enjoyed it."-- "Historical Miniatures Gaming Society"
Peter Dennis is a historical and military illustrator of long standing. He has illustrated books for all the major publishers, notably in recent years Osprey publishing for whom he has illustrated over 150 titles. Wargames brought him into the military world as a boy and he has retained his fascination with models and the games you can play with them ever since.