Användarprofil Yogi Jörgen / Betyg & recensioner

Betyg & recensioner av Yogi Jörgen

Antal betyg: 5
Antal recensioner: 5

Adaptogens in Medical Herbalism

Age with grace

15 december 2021

A book for dedicated herbalists, researchers and western physicians. Although the author writes clearly, it helps to have a good understanding of human physiology. Many details refers to molecular biology. The herbal monographs are not using Asian or Ayurvedic terminology but mostly western medicinal language. A vast amount of reference foot notes. Reading carefully I find numerous gems.

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Christopher Hobbs's Medicinal Mushrooms: The Essenti...

Medicinal mushrooms for you and me

12 november 2021

A well written book by a person with real experience, both in the woods and in the clinic. Perspectives from today and from the tradition. Great closeup pictures so you can't go wrong in collecting. Recommended - in the field and for your own health.

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Healing With Dmso

DMSO - the elixir from trees

25 maj 2022

Well researched - no hype - down to earth. Practical solutions to complex health challenges. It is a book you probably need to read several times in order to take in the vast information. Bio chemistry made simple.

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31-Day Food Revolution

Lättläst, bra organiserad,

22 februari 2019

Ocean Robbins förklarar sambanden - hälsa, mat och politik.
Beroende på dina vanor kan boken vara en vändpunkt eller en positiv påminnelse.

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Yoga Anatomy

Levande Anatomi

27 november 2018

Överlag inspirerande. Klart upplägg, med namn på övningarna i olika språk.
Väl tecknad.
Skulle vilja se ytterligare teckningar hur PC och respiratory diafragma musklerna förhåller
sig i de olika ställningarna.
En aning pryd - modellerna har halv genomskinliga lager av shorts och BH's - Konstigt då
inga antydningar till könsdelar är ens markerade.

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