Om Markus

Markus Zusak är en hyllad australisk barnförfattare som har givit ut sex romaner, översatta till över 40 språk. Senast släppte han boken Inget mindre än ett mirakel, vilket är hans första vuxenroman på 13 år. Zusaks genombrott var med boken Boktjuven som handlar om andra världskriget från dödens perspektiv. Boken hyllades av världen, prisbelönades flera gånger om och gav upphov till viktiga diskussioner. Läs mer om Markus senaste lovordade verk och få julklappsinspiration från hans lästips! 

Markus böcker

Markus julklappstips

Pat Barker The Silence of the Girls - A retelling of The Iliad from the point of view of Briesis, whom Agamemnon took away from Achilles…Such a brave and beautiful book.

Sylvia Plath's The Bell Jar  - There is just a gem on every page - a moment that makes you stop to admire the language.

Lars Saabye Christensen's The Half Brother - In every way an epic. Its taste of family still resonates with me today, more than a decade after reading it.

Ted Hughes The Iron Man - The glory of this book is in the reading out loud, and its joy for children and adults alike.

The Commitments by Roddy Doyle - Loud, rude, poetic, perfect. I often come back to this book to remind me why I love writing.

Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights - Still the benchmark for love and angst!

The Autograph Man by Zadie Smith - The extended prologue still keeps me coming back for more. A father, a son, and two friends make their way to a wrestling match...

The Catcher in the Rye by JD Salinger - Funnier and more heartbreaking the older you get as you read it...

The Imaginary Girlfriend by John Irving - At just over a hundred pages, this must be his shortest book - an enjoyable memoir about his youth.

Cat's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut - I’d forgotten the warmth and purity of Vonnegut’s writing. All his books are treasures.