Användarprofil Alan Kocevic, Halmstad University / Betyg & recensioner / Silent No More: Confronting America's False Images of Islam

Recension av Alan Kocevic, Halmstad University

Recenserad produkt

Silent No More: Confronting America's False Images of Islam
Inbunden (Trade Cloth)


6 december 2002

In his book Findley dares to confront the false images of Islam and to provide an accurate image of Muslims. Undoubtedly, the false images of Islam that pervade our western societies are largely based on ignorance and a deliberate misrepresentation of facts. Many people view Muslims as atavistic, fanatic and intractable. These opinions are ignorant, fallacious and unwarranted; they are based on preconceived ideas and bigotry. The principal purpose of education is to combat and obliterate prejudice. Nevertheless parochialism is highly evident in western socities; this is a paradox. It has been corroborated that the majority of Americans loathe Muslims. This book will reveal bigotry, ignorance, parochialism and islamophobia; these elements are characteristic of our western societies.

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