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Köp båda 2 för 315 krUnrelentingly claustrophobic The violence that A Horse Walks Into A Bar explores is more private and intimate. Its central interest is not the vicious treatment of vulnerable others but the cruelty that wells up within families, circulates like a poison in tight-knit groups, and finally turns inward against the self Strategic weaving together of manic humour and tears Searing and poignant. -- Stephen Greenblatt * New York Review of Books * Brilliant, blistering With Dovaleh, Grossman has created a character whos captivating and horrific and a stand-up routine thats disgusting and authentically human. I can hardly say how the book achieves its bewitching effects. It all happened so fast. -- Ken Kalfus * Washington Post * Unless pop lyricists have the lock on the Nobel prize in literature from now on, then a leading future candidate must be David Grossman. * Guardian, Book of the Year * Much of it is extremely funny, but its also tightly controlled and carefully paced Few writers hold a more unflinching mirror up to Israeli society than Grossman [A Horse Walks into a Bar] is a work of sombre brilliance and disquieting rage, an unsparing exploration of the seductive spell of escapism and the corruption that is in cynicism. -- Rebecca Abrams * Financial Times * This is a virtuoso piece of writing, a whirlwind of laughter and tears that sucks you in and makes you hold your breath. * Daily Mail * A writerly tour de force that would be unbearably painful, were it not also so generously humane. -- Lucy Hughes-Hallett * New Statesman, Book of the Year * A short, shocking masterpiece. -- Adam Lively * Sunday Times * David Grossman tells a story that is so emotional that you feel obliged to look away from time to time or to even put away the book once in a while so you can breathe again and so you can prepare yourself for the next confrontation with yourself and the world around you. * De Morgen * David Grossmans new novel runs on a high voltage line, operated by a frantic, mesmerising and almost unbearable energy. An ongoing feeling of astonishment accompanies you throughout the read, and it is linked to Grossmans bravado and to his innovation as a storyteller A Horse Walks into a Baris unlike anything Grossman has written, or anything I have read. It is a packed explosive, multi-resonant, daring and exciting. -- Omri Herzog * Haaretz * Grossmans new novel depicts a cruel demeaning stand-up actand yet this is not a book about the violence of man but rather on the human inside - and this is what turns Grossman to a truly great author. -- Nurit Gertz * Walla! *
David Grossman is the bestselling author of numerous works, which have been translated into thirty-six languages. His novel, A Horse Walks into a Bar, was awarded the International Man Booker Prize 2017. Grossman is also the recipient of the French Chevalier de lOrdre des Arts et des Lettres and the 2010 Frankfurt Peace Prize.