Fonagy, Peter
Introduction -- Theoretical Perspectives -- Attachment and Reflective Function: Their Role in Self-Organization -- Historical and Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Affects and Affect Regulation -- The Behavior Geneticist's Challenge to a Psychosocial Model of the Development of Mentalization -- Developmental Perspectives -- The Social Biofeedback Theory of Affect-Mirroring: The Development of Emotional Self-Awareness and Self-Control in Infancy -- The Development of an Understanding of Self and Agency -- "Playing with Reality": Developmental Research and a Psychoanalytic Model for the Development of Subjectivity -- Marked Affect-Mirroring and the Development of Affect-Regulative Use of Pretend Play -- Developmental Issues in Normal Adolescence and Adolescent Breakdown -- Clinical Perspectives -- The Roots of Borderline Personality Disorder in Disorganized Attachment -- Psychic Reality in Borderline States -- Mentalized Affectivity in the Clinical Setting -- Epilogue