With 29 well-researched articles written by 31 erudite scholars of high repute drawn from various parts of the world, specifically for the book, the Handbook filled with intellectual ammunition provides an excellent reading on a multiplicity of issues relating to globalisation and higher education. The volume provides diversity of interpretation of several trends. Unlike many other books, the issues are studied not just from the point of view of a few advanced countries; the Handbook includes experiences of many developing countries. . . The Handbook would certainly be a great resource material for students, teachers and policy makers engaged in higher education. -- Jandhyala B.G. Tilak, Journal of Educational Planning and Administration . . . the Handbook constitutes an essential reference source for everyone interested in studying the current meaning, scope and implications of globalization. Strongly recommended. -- Higher Education Review
Edited by Roger King, Visiting Professor, School of Management, University of Bath, Simon Marginson, Professor of Higher Education, Department of Education, University of Oxford and Rajani Naidoo, Deputy Director, Centre for Innovation in Marketing and Consumption Studies, University of Bath, UK
Contents: Preface PART I: GENERIC 1. Introduction to Part I Simon Marginson 2. Imagining the Global Simon Marginson 3. Rethinking Development: Higher Education and the New Imperialism Rajani Naidoo 4. The University as a Global Institution Peter Scott 5. Three Forms of the Knowledge Economy: Learning, Creativity and Openness Michael A. Peters 6. Global Institutions: The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Marijk van der Wende 7. Extra-national Provision Christopher Ziguras 8. Global Institutions, Higher Education and Development Yann Lebeau and Ebrima Sall 9. Globalization, Higher Education and Inequalities: Problems and Prospects Vincent Carpentier and Elaine Unterhalter PART II: CASE STUDIES 10. Introduction to Part II Rajani Naidoo 11. Regional Responses to Globalization Challenges: The Assertion of Soft Power and Changing University Governance in Singapore, Hong Kong and Malaysia Ka Ho Mok 12. Global Toolboxes, Local Toolmaking: The Contradictions of External Evaluation in South African Higher Education Reform Mala Singh 13. Globalization and Higher Education in Canada Glen A. Jones and Julian Weinrib 14. Globalization, Internationalization and the World-class University Movement: The China Experience Mei Li and Qiongqiong Chen 15. European Higher Education and the Process of Integration Jussi Vlimaa 16. Neoliberal Globalization and Higher Education Policy in India Sangeeta G. Kamat 17. Globalization and Higher Education in South Korea: Towards Ethnocentric Internationalization or Global Commercialization of Higher Education? Terri Kim 18. The Invisible Topics on the Public Agenda for Higher Education in Argentina Marcela Mollis 19. Globalization, a Knowledge-based Regime and Higher Education: Where do Mexican Universities Stand? Alma Maldonado-Maldonado 20. Globalization in the USA: The Case of California William G. Tierney 21. The Strange Death of the Liberal University: Research Assessments and the Impact of Research Mark Olssen PART III: GLOBAL GOVERNANCE 22. Introduction to Part III Roger King 23. Strategizing and Ordering the Global Simon Marginson 24. Governing Knowledge Globally: Science, Structuration and the Open Society Roger King 25. Governing Quality David A. Dill 26. Convergences and Divergences in Steering Higher Education Systems Christine Musselin 27. The Bologna Process: From the National to the Regional to the Global, and Back Jrgen Enders and Don F. Westerheijden 28. The Standardization of Higher Education, Positional Competition and the Global Labor Market Hugh Lauder and Phillip Brown 29. Measuring World-class Excellence and the Global Obsession with Rankings Ellen Hazelkorn Index